Help from Trident Tribes and “Kyivski kotiki”: vitamins for children of the Holosiiv district polyclinic 

The Trident Tribes Charitable Foundation and the NGO “Kyivski kotyky” have come together again to do good and support those in need. 

This time, our team handed over VelKids vitamin complexes from the pharmaceutical company Delta Medical to the patients of the children’s polyclinic of the Holosiiv district of Kyiv. 

We take pride and joy in helping children get the support they need for their health. This is not our first collaboration, and we are sure that there will be many new cool projects ahead of us. 

We are very grateful to the pharmaceutical company Delta Medical for providing VelKids vitamin complexes that will help support our children’s immunity. We believe that good returns and we have contributed to creating a better future for our little ones. 

Together, let’s continue to share kindness and hope with the people around us, because it is these small steps that can help make the world a better place to live. 

Take care of the future, join the Trident Tribes! 

Trident Tribes: together – to Victory! 

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