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The Tribes of the Trident Foundation’s activities are focused on three main areas:
– support for war veterans through rehabilitation
– treatment and tactical medicine for Ukraine’s defenders;
– critical vaccinations, treatment and our assistance to children displaced from the occupied territories.
Trident Tribes collaborates with partners including healthcare institutions, NGOs that help veterans, and patient advocacy platforms. Trident Tribes also regularly donates medicines and medical equipment to the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and trains soldiers in tactical medicine using its logistics capabilities.
The SERAPHEMS Assault company of the 104th Brigade
Military Institute of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Service of military chaplaincy in the command of the Territorial Defence Forces
230 670
donated packages of vitamins, probiotics, painkillers for children from the de-occupied territories
Built a chapel of all denominations for the military on the territory of the Military Institute of Taras Shevchenko National University in Kyiv
Supported the School of Military Journalism program
Charitable organization “Charitable Foundation “TRIDENT TRIBES”
JSC “ProCredit Bank”, Bank Code (MFO) 320984.
Ukraine, 43, Chornovola STR., Vyshneve city, Kyiv region 08133.
We direct aid in three main areas: support for veterans (rehabilitation, social adaptation, psychological assistance), care for the health of defenders (treatment, rehabilitation, tactical medicine), care for children from de-occupied territories (immunization, vitaminization, therapy).
Trident Tribes cooperates with the pharmaceutical company Delta Medical, the Charitable Foundation «Povernysʹ zhyvym!»,, the Ukrainian Veterans Fund, the «Eleos-Ukrayina» platform, the Charitable Foundation «Spadshchyna maybutnʹoho» and the organization «100 vidsotkiv zhyttya», etc.
Participants of the Fund can be able-bodied citizens of Ukraine, foreigners and stateless persons who are in Ukraine on legal grounds, who have reached the age of eighteen, recognize the requirements of the Foundation Charter, take an active part in its activities, share the ideas and views of the Fund and contribute to their development in order to achieve statutory goals, objectives and goals of the Fund. Admission to the membership of the Fund’s participants is carried out by decision of the General Meeting of the Fund’s participants
Charitable organization “Charitable Foundation “TRIDENT TRIBES”
Ukraine, 43, Chornovola STR., Vyshneve city, Kyiv region 08133.
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